Part I. Exploring Causal Hypotheses


  1. Research Methods: Putting the Science in Political Science.
  1. The Grammar of Causal Theories.
  1. The Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference.
  1. Experiments: Isolating a Causal Factor by Randomly Assigning It. 
  1. Quasi-experiments: Good Enough for Social Science.


Part II. Describing and Collecting Data


  1. Measurement I: We Know a Good Measure When We See It. 
  1. Measurement II: Quantifying and Describing Variables. 
  1. Drawing a Sample
  1. Drawing a Good Sample.



Part III. Testing Causal Hypotheses


  1. Probability Theory and the Magic of the Normal Distribution
  1. Exploring Causal Relationships
  1. Isolating Causal Factors by Using Tables and Charts. 
  1. How Sure is Sure? Quantifying Uncertainty in Tables
  1. Linear Regression I: Scatterplots and Regression Lines. 
  1. Linear Regression II: Interpreting Regression Coefficients
  1. Qualitative Research Design I.
  1. Qualitative Research Design II.