SPPS Datasets for your Assignments

(click on the title to download)


NES 2012. Click here to read about a few errors in the SPPS Manual's dsecription of this dataset.  This is the National Election Study, which surveyed a random sample of 2,054 Americans over the course of the last election season, asking them about their characteristics, their political opinions, and their voting behavior.  All of the variables contained in this dataset are listed and described in SPSS Manual to Accompany Of Observations and Expectations, Revised Edition pp. 99-111. The only variables that you can pick as the dependent variable for your hypothesis are the feeling thermometer ratings: V15, V16, V17, V18, V19, V71, V72, V74, V75, V75B, V76, V77, V78, V79, V80, V81, V81M, or V81T.   


Congress 2008.  This is a dataset describing each of America’s 435 congressional district, as they were drawn in 2008.  It provides information on district demographics, campaign spending, how citizens voted in congressional elections, and how Representatives voted on the floor of congress.  All of the variables contained in this dataset are listed and described in SPSS Manual to Accompany Of Observations and Expectations, Revised Edition pp. 113-115.  You may pick any variables in this dataset as the dependent variable in your hypothesis except STATE, STATENO, CD, MEMBER, INC08, or PARTY08. 


Eurobarometer.  This dataset reports the results of a survey of 26,661 residents who live in each of the 27 nations that make up the European Union.  The survey asks them about their personal characteristics, their policy preferences, and whether they take part in European Parliament elections.  All of the variables contained in this dataset are listed and described in SPSS Manual to Accompany Of Observations and Expectations, Revised Edition pp. 123-128.  The only variables that you can pick as the dependent variable for your hypothesis are: V22, V24, or V25.